Highland Cow Experience

We are delighted to invite you to our Highland Cow Experience, where you will get to meet our beautiful gang and learn more about their role here at Kinkell!

Our experience is suitable for all ages, so bring your family and friends.

Meet our Highland Cows, £20 per person, kids under 18 go FREE. All proceeds go to our rewilding charity, Rewilding Kinkell, to support our work to increase biodiversity in Scotland.

To make a booking and for more information please contact jenny@kinkell.com Please try to book a few days in advance. Bookings are non-refundable.

February 2025
dates available:
Sunday 16th February 1pm – FULLY BOOKED

March 2025
dates available:
Sunday 2nd March 1pm
Sunday 9th March 1pm
Sunday 16th March 1pm
Sunday 23rd March 1pm – FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 30th March 1pm

Please note that the experience will only be available on days when there are no weddings taking place

We look forward to meeting you!

Our highland cows are working hard at the moment, grazing our fields to maximise the benefits for biodiversity. Our cows decide for themselves where to graze, thereby creating a mosaic of different vegetation heights and micro-habitats.

Lying and rolling helps increase structural diversity, which can be important for ground-nesting birds. Trampling creates areas of bare ground, producing nurseries for seedlings, and dung generates an ecosystem in its own right.

This type of low intensity conservation grazing has been shown to be critical for encouraging nature to thrive.

Art in Nature


October 2024 

We were very excited about our first art course held at Kinkell Studios. The course was run by both our resident artist, Milla Fyfe, who lives at Kinkell House and created the Kinkell Byre logo and artwork and Rebecca Watson of Saints Art

Rebecca’s husband, Andi, made a wonderful video to show off Kinkell and its amazing natural surroundings. Check out the video out below and you can see more of Andi’s work here.

To find out more information or if you would like to be informed about life drawing classes or possible future courses, please email milla@kinkell.com 

Bee Keeping Day

We are thrilled to launch our Beekeeping Experience Days in collaboration with the Tartan Apiary who have set up hives at Kinkell this summer.

Tartan Apiary Beekeepers are buzzing with knowledge when it comes to these amazing colonies of creatures, their fascinating behaviour and the environment.

The Kinkell Beekeeping Experience takes around one or two hours, depending on group size. It involves:

1. Safety first – getting kitted up in bee-suits and getting the smoker going;
2. Hive parts – introduction to the structure of the hive, how it works and how bees use their hives;
3. The colony – bee handling, opening up the hive roof and looking inside to find workers, drones, brood and spotting the queen
4. Honey – a tasty teaspoon of pure Kinkell rewilded honey!

The cost of the Experience Day is £50 per person with a minimum of 3 people (or £150) and a maximum of 8 people. Bespoke days and individual tuition in beekeeping are also options.

The fee includes a donation to our charity, Rewilding Kinkell.

Bill at Tartan Apiary is free most afternoons for the bee season which runs from April to September, depending on temperatures.

Please email Bill at tartanapiary@proton.me to book.

We hope to be selling some Kinkell Rewilded Honey by Tartan Apiary soon!

Anniversary Tree Planting

Plant a tree at Kinkell to commemorate a special occasion or wedding anniversary. 

Help support our efforts to rewild Kinkell and increase Scottish biodiversity.

Come to Kinkell and, with the help of our rewilding officer, Jenny, plant a native tree in our very special location. 

There is a fee for tree planting of £150 plus the cost of the tree itself. All proceeds go to our rewilding charity, Rewilding Kinkell, to support our work to increase biodiversity in Scotland. 

If you want to bring your own tree, we would require that it is a native tree to adhere with our rewilding principles. We would recommend planting Oak, Rowan, Silver Birch or Hawthorn trees. We can also supply the tree ourselves and can add the cost to the fee. We already have stakes and guards onsite for protecting the tree.

Please contact jenny@kinkell.com for further information and to make all the arrangements.