
Wedding’s for the Wild

Eco weddings at our unique Scottish Barn Venue

Kinkell Byre is one of only two venues to offer Weddings for the Wild, dedicated to restoring Scotland’s wild nature through our rewilding network, Scotland The Big Picture.

Weddings for the Wild has been put together for eco-conscious couples who want to have a traditional wedding and celebrate their love in style but are mindful about the impact a wedding has on our planet.

Looking after the land has always been an important part of our agricultural heritage and we are delighted to be partnering with Scotland, The Big Picture to ensure that nature continues to thrive here in the future.

Through Weddings for the Wild, you can choose to plant one native tree for every ten guests. You and your guests can even carry out the planting, if you wish. You can also ask your guests to consider Rewilding an Acre instead of a gift to help offset their carbon footprint and contribute directly to a rewilded landscape.

A wedding is an incredible life event, but it can also leave a significant carbon footprint and produce a huge amount of waste:

  • According to ‘Do the Green Thing’ a typical wedding in the UK will produce 1/3 of a metric tonne of solid waste and 15.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide, just in one day.
  • 99% of flowers end up in the bin and 10% of food is thrown away.
  • 4,910 tonnes of unrecyclable plastic was used up and left behind at British weddings last year. That’s the equivalent to 47 Blue Whales.

It costs £100 to Rewild an Acre and friends and families can club together or make individual donations via the website. All donations will be individually acknowledged.

Just some of the projects that ‘Weddings for the Wild’ will support:

  • creation of new native woodlands allowing red squirrels to expand their range.
  • restoration of peatlands, ponds and wetlands for bats, bugs and beavers.
  • removal of wildlife migration barriers to improve habitat connectivity.
  • revitalisation of rivers to help otters, salmon and trout.

“Our wedding business allows us to create more biodiversity on the farm and in turn, a landscape rich in nature generates more interest in our wedding venue. It’s a virtuous circle.”  Rory Fyfe – owner, Kinkell Byre

Our eco-approved suppliers

Find out more about Kinkell’s  eco-approved suppliers. We will continue at add more to the list in the future.

Find out how to have an eco-wedding over on our blog