Hold your ceremony and reception at the Byre for a fuss-free day

Kinkell Byre, St Andrews

Both Civil and Religious Ceremonies can be held at Kinkell Byre; all you need is a Marriage Schedule (Form M10) which is the legally binding part of your Marriage.

Our local Registrar office is Cupar
County Buildings, St Catherine Street, Cupar, KY15 4TA
Tel: 03451 550077
Email: fife.registrars@fife.gov.uk

Please note that from 1 March 2015, notice must be given no later than 29 days before the date of the ceremony.

You may find it useful to download the following documents about Scottish Law requirements.

The marriage schedule needs to be collected in person by one of the parties to the marriage from the registrar no more than 7 days prior to the date of marriage during office hours.  The marriage schedule must be returned to the registrar within 3 days of the marriage, so the marriage can be registered.  If you cannot take the marriage schedule back personally, you can ask someone else to take it for you or you can post it so that it is received by the registrar within that 3 day timescale.

All information can be found at  www.nrscotland.gov.uk