Real Wedding Blog – Hannah & Ross Thomson – 14th September 2023

We happily watched these two tie the knot back in September and what a day it was! They have kindly spoke a little bit about their planning and any challenges they faced when planning their dream wedding at Kinkell!

Firstly a little bit about you…

How did you two meet? 

We were neighbours! Having had an awkward introduction to each other initially (due to Ross enjoying playing loud music) we realised during covid we actually had a lot in common. 

Where did you get engaged?

We got engaged on Skye, on a remote beach on the south of the island that was luckily deserted!

Finding your venue and planning the wedding

What was it that first attracted you to Kinkell? Was there something that stood out when you knew it would be the perfect place for your special day?

Having both been graduates of St Andrews University we both loved the idea of heading back to St Andrews to get married. The first time we saw Kinkell Byre we loved the blank canvas it provided, allowing us to put our individual stamp on the venue. 

Tell us a little bit about planning your wedding. Where did you start?

Once we booked the venue we made sure to book all the other big things like florist, caterer, band and celebrant. We did the décor for the venue ourselves so gathered this over the next couple of months – big shout out to etsy where we sourced a lot of our decor. 

How did you decide on a colour theme or style?

We both love the outdoors. We therefore wanted the venue to reflect this, keeping its rustic style. We used old walking boots as flower pots, haybales as extra seating and named our tables after hills we had climbed together. Ross’s family tartan is blue so we tried to incorporate this into the rest of the day.  

Where did you find your suppliers?

Most of our suppliers were either recommended through Kinkell Byre or friends. We can not thank them all enough,  from Jacqui our photographer who did a fantastic job of capturing our day, lazy Sunday providing our food (including an amazing dessert table) and Helen for her beautiful flowers. We struggled initially to find a gluten free wedding cake but Philippa exceeded our expectations with our delicious 3 layered semi naked cake. 

Is there anything you wish someone had told you about before about planning a barn wedding?

Having an almost blank canvas to fill can initially feel overwhelming but once you get started you will easily fill the space. The lighting inside Kinkell also creates a great atmosphere which helps. 

Was there anything that was really important to you both to have?

Most importantly for us we wanted to spend as much time with our guests as possible and relax, knowing the day will run smoothly. Sophie and the team did an amazing job of this on the day! 

The Big Day!

Tell us about your wedding day, what are your highlights and favourite memories?

From the moment we both walked in on our wedding day the venue looked beautiful.  We loved the amount of space there was for us to mingle with our guests and enjoy the ceilidh. The outdoor spaces at Kinkell are also great and there are amazing views.  

Have you any advice for other couples that are planning their wedding? 

Take time to enjoy planning, of course be organised, but you’ll find that the suppliers recommended by Kinkell and their staff on the day will make the day work seamlessly.

Take 10 minutes on the day to step back and enjoy what you’ve achieved together.

How is married life treating you? 

Well! We’re enjoying some relaxation after a mad year of wedding planning. We’ve planned our honeymoon at the start of next year, so have that to look forward to next.

Supplier shout outs – 

Photographer – Jacqui, Chicphoto by Jacqui

Caterer- Lazy Sunday Catering

Florist- Green shed flowers, 

Cake- Phillipa Rose Cake Design

Band- Bahookie

MUA- Sophie Alexis

Celebrant- Linda the humanist

Wedding dress- Charlotte Grace Bridal

Bar – Event Bars St Andrews

Lighting – Stephen Leslie